Selling Guide
We spend so much time inside our homes that, sometimes we become unaware of aspects within them which might discourage ‘would-be’ buyers. That wall you’ve been meaning to get re-painted for a while might become something which buyers struggle to overlook in the context of the property as a whole. Good presentation maximises the desirability and therefore the ultimate value of your property.
The old adage that the smell of freshly baked bread really sells a home still has its merits, however, here are some general tips you may wish to consider prior to listing your home for sale.
Clear the clutter - make sure all washing up, kitchen towels, oven mittens, toothbrushes, shampoos, laundry etc. are placed out of sight. All kitchen and bathroom surfaces should ideally be clear. Toys are a part of many family homes. Mountains of toys can be unsightly however, toys can also help to demonstrate to prospective buyers that the house is a home suitable for growing families – strike the right balance but try not to leave too many trip hazards on stairs!
If possible, try and complete any unfinished DIY tasks. Hide cable tangles and if necessary disconnect appliances, removing them from worktops. Make sure all light bulbs work, particularly in ceiling spot lights, chandeliers and above the cooker.
If you have an outdoor space remember that, even in winter, this is a major consideration for some buyers. If you have an outdoor seating area, prepare it as this helps to demonstrate how your home has been used (and could continue to be used in the future). Remember to remove washing on lines (removing the line altogether if possible) as this helps to open the space up by not restricting the view outdoors.
If you have a lawn and it’s possible, mow the lawn or remove leaves and remember to place outdoor rubbish and recycling bins out of sight.