Workshop looks at booming buy-to-let market
WOULD-BE landlords interested in jumping aboard the buoyant property train enjoyed a specialist buy-to-let workshop organised by two of Colchester’s leading players in the property world.
Experts from Boydens Estate Agents and Thompson Smith and Puxon Solicitors presented the workshop at the legal firm’s Colchester office last week. It was attended by people interested in finding out more about the buy-to-let initiative and the state of the current local market.
Boydens is the area’s leading lettings agency and a licensed member of ARLA (Association of Residential Letting Agents) and ARMA (Association of Residential Managing Agents). Residential Lettings Manager, Joseph Hall, said: “Increasing numbers of people are again viewing property as an excellent investment opportunity. However, the key to maximising your returns is to know the local market and to be aware of any potential pitfalls.
“The workshop looked at many issues including identifying the right sort of property for investment, capital/rental returns and knowing your target audience. It was a very interactive event and enthusiastically received by all those attending.”
Thompson Smith and Puxon Director, Sharon Auton, said: “As with any investment, ensuring the legalities are in order is paramount. There are legal processes and procedures that should be followed before and after your purchase that will ensure a smooth transaction and protect your investment moving forward.”
Also presenting at the workshop were Boydens Managing Partner, David Boyden, and Thompson Smith and Puxon Director and Head of Commercial Property, Stephen