Fore! David & Philip Boyden tee off
As keen golfers, David and Philip Boyden are about to undertake their greatest golf challenge yet.
On Monday 13th June the father and son team will attempt to play 100 holes of golf in a single day, in support of St Helena Hospice as part of the Birkett Long £50 Challenge.
Teeing off at first light at Colchester Golf Club, the Boydens will attempt to play 100 holes before dark and have a fundraising target of £2000.
St Helena Hospice helps local people face incurable illness and bereavement, supporting them, their families, friends and carers.
- £10 could help a patient staying at The Hospice to keep their strength up by providing nutritious, home cooked meals for a day;
- £25 could help a patient to return home to their loved ones after a stay at The Hospice, being supported by a nurse to help get their pain under control;
- £60 could provide a family facing the death of a loved one with advice and tools to support children to open up and share their feelings from our family support team;
- £120 could help someone struggling with the traumatic death of a loved one to be supported through six sessions of bereavement counselling;
- £500 could ensure that patients and families in distress receive the expert advice and guidance they need over the phone by keeping the SinglePoint office running for a day;
- £1000 could provide pain management and relief from complex symptoms for 12 hours with help from their team of doctors.
Thank you for your support for this very worthy cause.