Boydens - Life at Home | Autumn 2022 | Issue 04 Business As a family business stretching back five generations, Boydens has quite a history. The fifth generation of the Boyden family, Philip Boyden now works in the business alongside his father David Boyden and, as Philip explains, this really is a family affair. 22 My involvement in the family business started at an early age. I remember making regular trips to the Colchester Branch in the early 1990s (or ‘Grandad’s Office’ as we referred to it), as my mum attended a cake decorating class nearby on Tuesday evenings. During this time, my sister Laura and I would spend time in the office where my dad and grandad were working. I recall enjoying a Tunnocks Caramel Wafer and still now, when I pass a certain point on the middle floor of the building, I sense a familiar aroma which takes me instantly back to those days. Values Family From left, Desmond Boyden who set up the residential property business in 1966; Desmond with son, David; and David who now works alongside his son, Philip