Boydens - Life at Home | Autumn 2022 | Issue 04

Interview 20 Which is your favourite style of property interior and why? This is such a difficult question because no two properties are the same. I like to be as true to a property as I can. Yes, use elements of different styles and merge designs, but I like to be true to the period and build of the initial property. Traditional features are so beautiful, so enhancing and restoring them rather than removing does so much more justice to the house. If it was a new build? Go as modern as you like, but I would always say be gracious to the era of the house by at least giving a nod to the period here and there. Which part of a property (inside or out) gets you most excited when making an investment or starting a renovation project? The layout. A floor plan, honestly, is the thing to look out for when wanting to renovate. You can see exactly what can change and what can’t and how to make the most of the space on offer. Which simple home improvements do you think can add most value to a property? There are a few different ones here. A new kitchen and bathroom always add value to a property, but something that’s not too big of a job is sprucing up the kerb appeal. Having great outside space front and/or back really can add money to your home, and it doesn’t have to be expensive to do. What’s your biggest property success? Everything I’ve done within property I would like to believe has been a success. I never stop and rest on my laurels and am always seeking to surpass what I’ve already achieved, so I’m not sure I have seen my biggest success as of yet. And any property mistakes you care to mention? Every mistake is a learning curve so as much as I can’t think of any right now, I wouldn’t change them as I wouldn’t have the knowledge I have to date.