Boydens - Life at Home | Summer 2022 - Issue 03 55 Life hacks Stay neutral If redecorating or revamping a property, it is vital to choose neutral colours. This will broaden the appeal of the property and help to maintain its value. If carpeted flooring is desired, I would always advise to opt for hard wearing (preferably darker) carpets which will minimise the risk of staining. Maintain a distance Remembering that this is your property investment is vital. Landlords can be tempted to ‘over-personalise’ on decorative features or even to overspend on the property when refurbishing it ready for letting. There is a standard to be maintained but also a balance to be struck between spending and returns on what is a property you will ultimately not be living in yourself. Just ask As letting agents we are always willing to help – indeed, it is very rewarding to assist a landlord through the process of purchasing a property all the way through to seeing the first tenant move in. Contact us early and let us help to guide you through the process, taking the benefit of our experience – just ask! For further information, contact Brian on 01206 771213 or [email protected]