Boydens - Life at Home | Summer 2022 - Issue 03 Home 44 7. Spruce up your back garden Gardens are often overlooked when property projects are concerned but ploughing some money into your green space can be rewarding. Analysis has found that adding decking and lighting to your back garden can really boost the asking price when a property goes on the market. Boydens tip: Composite decking requires less maintenance and has a longer lifespan than other decks, which can be a selling point. 8. Decorate If you are planning to put your property on the market, make sure you give it a fresh lick of paint first. Don’t under-estimate the importance of kerb appeal by updating the exterior of your home. Getting professionals in could set you back around £1,000, but it could add £5,000 to your home’s value, according to TV property expert Phil Spencer. Boydens tip: A neutral colour scheme will make it easier to sell your property. 9. Convert your loft Homeowners looking to add floor space could significantly add value to their home. Loft conversions cost around £20,000 on average but they could boost your home’s value by double that amount, according to Phil. Boydens tip: Consider the layout of your completed loft conversion long before you get the experts in to start work. 10. Get planning permission If you are preparing to sell your home and can’t afford a big project to boost the value, you could consider just getting the planning permission. Buyers are prepared to pay quite a premium to avoid the paperwork involved in an extension and to know red tape won’t stand in the way of their plans and allowing them to start work the minute they pick up the keys. Submitting a basic planning application costs up to £400 but could add as much as 10% to the value of your home, according to insurance firm Hamilton Fraser. Boydens tip: Get pre-application advice from your local planning authority. And finally, before you start, ask the experts Improving your home to make it more enjoyable is a benefit for you and your family today. Opting for a project that will also give you a big financial boost when you sell only adds to the benefits. However, if your primary aim is to add value to your home then you should consult an expert first to make sure you’ll get a return on your investment. The HomeOwners Alliance is the go-to site for home related expert advice, to help make homeowning a less stressful experience. They provide advice to help people make smart choices at every step of the homeowning journey – whether buying, selling, owning or improving their homes. You can find them at