COLCHE S T ER CARPE T S AND F LOOR I NG Y O U R L O C A L , I N D E P E N D E N T C A R P E T A N D F L O O R I N G S P E C I A L I S T E L M S H O M E D E C O R Come and visit our new carpet and flooring showroom in the heart of Colchester. Set above our carpet and flooring showroom is Elms Home Decor, selling unique home interior Open Monday - Saturday 9.30-5.00 Carpet & Flooring Suppliers: Amitco | Alternative Flooring | Associated Weavers | Axminster | Brintons Brockway | Cavalier | Cormar | Crucial Trading | Distinctive | Furlongs Telenzo | Victoria | Westex | Woodpecker | Adam | Moduleo | Penthouse Home Decor Suppliers: Libra Interiors | Kare Design w: | 15-19 Headgate, Colchester CO3 3BT t: 01206 616166 | e: [email protected] FREE ON-SITE CUSTOMER PARKING